About Us

The project has altogether nine partners from academia (3) and industry (6) with three stakeholder partners from government organisations. There are also other stakeholders that have interest in the project, but do not directly participate in the research and development activities or in the steering group. These stakeholders will be engaged through different dissemination acitivities (e.g. seminars and policy brief).

The project is divided between core contributors (agreement signed parties) and supporting partners. Contributors are active players at least in one (1) work package but may work in several packages as well. Supporting partners may take part to work packages but it is not mandatory. Supporting partners are expected to follow the project proceedings and give feedback and suggestions to contributors regarding the work in progress.

Contact details

For media and project queries please contact

Visa Vallivaara (project manager)
Senior Scientist, M. Sc. (Math.)
Applied Cryptography
Teknologian tutkimuskeskus VTT Oy
+358 40 139 8326
visa.vallivaara (at) vtt.fi

Jorma Mellin (steering group chairman)
SSH Communications Security Oyj
+358 50 994 4762
jorma.mellin (at) ssh.com

Business Finland contact

Kirsi Kokko
Head of Digital Trust
Business Finland
+358 50 550 2023
kirsi.kokko (at) businessfinland.

Work package leaders contact info

WP2 - Post Quantum Cryptography: Niemi, P Valtteri <valtteri.niemi[at]helsinki.fi>

WP3 - Quantum Computing: Ilkka Tittonen <ilkka.tittonen[at]aalto.fi>

WP4 - Requirements and limitations for PQC in PKI: Lamminmäki Janne <janne.lamminmaki[at]insta.fi>

WP5 - Implementing PQC: Jaakko Sormunen <jaakko.sormunen[at]ssh.com>

WP6 - Future directions and certification of PQC and QC: Latvala Outi-Marja <Outi-Marja.Latvala[at]vtt.fi>